
Our Product




Ios & Android

OnDemand Services

Serive Provider

1. First Screen List of Services with icons
2. Go inside main services get all services inside it.
3. Click on services Price list shown
4. Click on price plan , now press book now button
5. Services booked after click on book services.
6. services not available then it shows book on schedule calendar.
7. History of booked services.
8. Google map shows services on your locality.
9. change Locality.
10. Feedback.

Serive Provider

1. Login and registration by phone number service provide zip code
2. After login set Services which you provide.
3. Services listed to enter detail inside that.
4. Specific services clicked to enter service data with price.
5. Edit and delete services.
6. Availibity date time caledar.

Website Admin

1. Login and dashboard.
2. Listed services.
3. On click specifc serivces user list opened.
4. Activate & Deactivate to any user.
6. serices data list for approval.
7. After approval data is liated on user side.

We will provide a admin, apis , mobile application is ios.
